Invisalign Treatment

Straightening smiles with invisible grace, redefining confidence one aligner at a time

Invisalign Treatment

Most times when we think about metal braces and wires, what comes to mind is orthodontic treatment. For adults and teens, a well-defined option could imply a better choice. Invisalign® widespread fame as a more useful alternative to braces grows continuously. It is very much talked about, although you might be thinking: Invisalign®? What’s that about?

Here, you are given a stepwise guide to aid your complete understanding of what Invisalign® entails.

As a fact, Invisalign® can remediate similarly what braces can:

Crooked Teeth




Gaps in Teeth (diastema)

Open Bite

Crowded Teeth

Invisalign® is unique for its capabilities. But, there are some cases in which its functionality may not be as efficient as traditional braces. Invisalign® is majorly dependent on how severe the individual’s case may be.

In our care center, we handle all cases uniquely and utilize well-defined consultation which aids us in determining the best possible option for you.

For us to ascertain whether or not you are an eligible candidate for Invisalign®, some of your records will be requested, amongst these are your facial and teeth images as well as 3D X-rays report.

Our active online representative is obligated to review these, talk about your planned orthodontic outcomes, and as well present to you a well customized corrective therapy.

We are convinced that the means to a promising result with Invisalign® is a well-trained orthodontist providing the best therapy objectives for you. In the course of your visit to our dental care center, if Invisalign® is your recommended treatment, our specialist orthodontists provide a full therapy plan, from the first unwanted teeth position to a final more preferred position, through our state-of-the-art 3D computer system imaging technology. The prior records are transferred to the Invisalign® laboratory with specified commands on the pattern the orthodontist desires for your teeth to be adjusted. After your orthodontist allows your treatment plan, Invisalign® clinicians begin to produce your customized aligners, otherwise known as “trays”. By the time these trays get to the dental clinic, the straightening procedure follows.

The Details

The Invisalign® sets are worn for 2-3 weeks. The aligners are customized to adjust your teeth minimally. They are made to be slightly more erect than your teeth. This weighs gently on your teeth, thus, within a short period, your teeth begin to adjust to fit with the aligners.

Over time, progressively in the sequence of aligners, your teeth continually adjust gradually till they become firmly straightened.

When the first sequences of aligners are completed, your specialist orthodontist then determines whether or not an added sequence of aligners is needed to give you the perfect smile. If there is a need for additional aligners, a new digital scan of your teeth is captured, thereafter your orthodontist submits the updated prescription for more aligners required.

After full treatment, your renewed smile is set to make you more attractive and confident. Furthermore, we will talk about “retainers”. Retainers are necessary to keep that elegant, beautifully renewed smile. By putting on your retainers as instructed, your new smile will be durable.

Benefits of Invisalign®

The aligners can and should be removed whenever you’re eating or drinking. The advantage here is that you’ll have no restrictions to food unlike with the traditional braces.

Aligners are not easily noticed, thus making it the choicest for better and more appearance pleasing for individuals who’d rather have a not so obvious treatment option.

Flossing and brushing can sometimes be hard with traditional braces, but with detachable aligners, proper dental hygiene is made easy. Thus, maintaining your gum and teeth health.

Your aligners can be removed for photos, events (such as sports), including special ceremonies.

What must be considered when using Invisalign®

The use of aligners only, might not adjust your teeth into position. Some added attachments are required sometimes as part of Invisalign® to facilitate your teeth movement.

These attachments aid aligners in movement with an added force to help arrange teeth accordingly. This added force is utilized in a situation whereby alignment changes are not possible as a result of the size, form, or position of a particular tooth. The following are some of the things to know about Invisalign® attachments:

Tiny attachments

Invisalign attachments are small, tooth-colored points that comprise composite filling substances which are linked to teeth to enable the Invisalign® aligners to position teeth.

Location is important

The attachments are fixed in the middle of the teeth, acting as an anchorage for the aligner to function better.

Shape can be different

Attachments are of various forms, some rectangular, circular, and others triangular. Attachment type is dependent on the desired result the orthodontist wishes to accomplish, such as tooth extrusion and intrusion.

Attachments play a crucial role

Attachments play the role of ‘holders’ for your aligners, giving the aligners portability.

When your teeth adjust to position expectedly, your therapy with Invisalign® progresses freely, and with that, your desired smile comes to fruition in no time.

Attachments may sometimes be annoying

 Because attachments fit into the aligners at specific points, fixing your aligners requires carefulness. The fixing process is not a ‘walk in the park’. Several individuals nag about attachments irritating their oral cavity whenever their aligners are removed, some other persons get discomfort  with food clogging within the attachments while they eat. The practice of cleaning the attachments as well as your teeth after eating should be diligently carried out.

Not every tooth requires an attachment

Your orthodontist determines the total number of attachments you’ll require. In some cases, you may need attachments on just some specific teeth, it might not necessarily be useful for the whole of your treatment.

Attachments are not always visible

Attachments placed on the frontal teeth are more easily seen than on the other teeth. Your orthodontist matches the attachments shade proximally to your natural tooth hue for uniformity. 

Adding attachments is easy

First of all, your tooth surface is made ready for bonding. Afterward, your orthodontist makes use of an Invisalign® model to mark out the points of the attachments, complete the model, then resolve the bonding for the small attachments to become firm in position. By the time they are no more required, they will easily be waxed off from your teeth.

You may not need attachments

If perhaps your therapy arrangements go smoothly and the Invisalign® aligners can do the alignment just fine independently, then you might not need attachments on your tooth.

Invisalign® aligners and the attachments are somewhat hard to get. Both are not like brackets, wires, and elastics, which are common and most often very obvious.

Your attachments will be made invisible by your aligners for most of the time, making your orthodontic treatment highly efficient.

To find out if you or your teen are good candidates for Invisalign®, schedule an online consultation with our consultants via our WhatsApp number.

Do I require rubber bands with Invisalign®?

Yes, you do, but not always. The rubber bands are introduced when added force/pressure is required to adjust the teeth properly, for upper and lower jaw fitness.

A situation whereby your upper teeth protrude over the lower teeth is referred to as “Class II Malocclusion”, otherwise known as an ‘Overbite’. When the reverse happens, that is, the lower teeth sticking out over the upper teeth, it is known as “Class III Malocclusion”, also referred to as ‘Under bite’. An even and well-fitted bite is called a “Class I Malocclusion”. The ideal reason for applying rubber bands with Invisalign® aligners is to accomplish a class I Malocclusion in which your teeth align to create a flawlessly arrange bite for chewing effectively, and also giving you an excellent state of health.

In cases where rubber bands are encouraged, it is pertinent you wear them daily as instructed. Take them out before eating and replace them again immediately you finish brushing.

How are rubber bands applied?

Unlike braces that come with holders on the brackets for easy fixing of rubber bands, Invisalign® is not in that form. What our orthodontists do is place a “button” on your teeth. These buttons are little plastic or metal brackets. Thereafter, the rubber bands are linked to the buttons. Oftentimes, the aligner acts as a holding base for the rubber band. Under these circumstances, your aligner is slightly reduced to become hook-like to enable the rubber band to remain in place. The buttons are prior produced from Invisalign® and they easily stick to your teeth.

The thumb rule when applying the rubber bands is to replace them 2-times daily for them to retain their elasticity. 

Are the buttons easily noticeable?

The buttons are generally produced in a color that is similar to that of your teeth to enable them to blend easily. They are typically positioned proximally to the gum lining to make them less visible. As the buttons are not easily noticeable, the rubber bands are slightly apparent when you apply them.

We welcome your questions. For more information, or to schedule an online consultation with our consultants, please contact us on WhatsApp number +90 505 299 55 00‬.

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